From 1947 to 1973, Australia was the most prosperous nation on Earth.
- Unemployment was virtually non-existent. Almost all jobs were full time; and pay and work conditions were protected by industrial courts and trade unions.
- Workers enjoyed paid annual holidays, paid sick leave, and almost every family had a serviceable motor vehicle, if not two. EVERY AUSTRALIAN HAD ACCESS TO PROSPERITY.
- Home ownership was a realistic prospect for anyone who wanted one.
- Politicians were required to knock on each citizen's door to identify their policies. Conjointly, political parties' policies were formulated by their branch memberships.
- Education was free and secular and health services were available to all.
- Crime was one of the lowest in the western world.
governments and all political parties agree to lie about current unemployment, claiming this to be 6% when in fact one in four workers have no job at all and another one in four have only inadequate part time work.
Reflecting a situation that would shock George Orwell, University students are taught that the era of prosperity was in fact a time of industrial strife, high unemployment, high inflation, and low wages. Two generations of students (so-called X & Y) now actually believe their grandparents have false memories of Australia's golden age.
Commencing my working life in 1961, I can assure readers I have very clear recollections of wages and conditions of those times, tuned closely to this by my successive roles as a trade unionist, welfare officer and, later, as a social researcher. Querulous readers should ask their oldies which version of history is true.
The current generation of graduate young-to-middle age adults firmly believes:
- In executive decision-making;
- That the two-party system is democracy;
- That we live in an era of prosperity; and
- That, led by the ABC, the public media reports current events truthfully.
The reality of contemporary conditions can be revealed quite easily by conducting our own survey of any average-demography suburb. One hundred home-dwellers interviewed at random on their doorstep, will produce statistics with a margin of error of less than 3%... contrary to the claims of social scientists.
What you will find is that:
- More than half the workforce no longer has access to paid holidays or sick leave.
- Trade unions, which were the sole reason why Australian workers received a fair share of national productivity, have been decimated.
- Home ownership is now an impossible dream for most young families. It has been estimated that three million Australians are homeless.
- Politicians are told what to do and say by a complex lobby of investment bankers and the corporations and public media which they own.
- Political party branch members have no say in who their political representative will be. This is decided by faceless power brokers in the Party hierarchy.
- Genuine democracy no longer exists. All we have now is the right to elect the power-elite's puppet to do our thinking for us.
- 70% of tax revenue destined for education, now goes to private schools.
- There is no difference between what media baron Rupert Murdoch wants and what the ABC says. Through profound and menacing influence, Murdoch controls all Australian media and his colleague and ally Frank Lowy controls all universities and think tanks. Both are conduits for Wall St.
- Like all other reserve banks in the world, the salaries of the Reserve Bank of Australia Chairman and executives are paid by the Rothschild-owned Bank for International Settlements (BIS) in Basel Switzerland... not by the Australian Government.
- All Australian foreign policy is decided in New York.
- No foreign corporation pays taxes to the Australian Government. Howard legislated that any corporation that pays tax overseas does not have to pay tax in Australia (the ironically nick-named double tax act).
- The Australian Constitution confers no rights whatsoever on Australians other than to whinge to the Queen; who is under no obligation to respond (Constitutional expert and former MHR Arthur Chresby).
Conditions under which most Australians now live threaten their very lives:
- Two thirds of the population is dying in slow motion from toxins in food, and other toxins which permeate our home and work environments.
- Highly lucrative medications sold by Big Pharma through doctors, along with their therapies and treatments, are maiming and killing us.
- Malnutrition, in the sense of reduced food nutrition, is now the dominant cause of death; represented by coronary heart disease, dementia and Alzheimers, cerebrovascular disease, chronic obstructive pulmonary disease, and suicide; the latter of which is precipitated by psychotropic and other drugs prescribed for 'depression' or pain. One ethical psychiatrist has identified 230 such drugs, which government protects from objective and independent testing (for more detailed information, see "Health Issues" and "Youth Suicide" pages elsewhere on this website).
- One third of the nation is overweight or obese, almost entirely due to consumption of sugars. Government has known about the role of sugars in the above causes of death since 1975 but chose not to warn us.
- Free trade has eliminated 90% of our manufacturing, which previously generated 80% of jobs (according to Australia Tax Office reports during the 1970s).
- Legitimate domestic food production has been reduced in favour of toxic imported foods; and agriculture has been taken over by giant export agribusiness, chemical corporations, and farm machinery giants, the cumulative behavior of which is destroying Australian soils, which are only a tiny 4% of our entire continent.
- One third of Australian children are functionally illiterate and innumerate.
- Corruption has taken over banking, insurance, the finance industry, local government, the Family Law Court, the Supreme Court, publishing, superannuation, elections, medicine, and politics. The Royal Commission that Government was forced to initiate has ordered complainants to not submit evidence.
Not only are we threatened internally, we also face an external threat.
Our national defense activities are controlled by the US.
But why would we permit this absolute capitulation of national sovereignty?
America has invaded 56 sovereign nations since WWII and is responsible for most of the current wars on this planet. US oppression is now condemned by almost all nations. Recently, the United Nations, representing 189 countries, condemned the USA for its sanctions against Cuba. Only Israel and the US voted otherwise, and there were no abstentions.
The US is attempting to provoke several countries into war: Syria, Iran, China, Russia, North Korea, Venezuela, and Nicaragua. The CIA is attempting to overturn democratically elected countries all around the world and replace these with right wing dictatorships.
Former PM Malcolm Fraser warned Australians to sever the link to America before we are dragged into WWIII but most Aussies (60%) still believe the myth that America will protect us because this is what the media and politicians tell us. FACT: The ANZUS Agreement merely requires the US to consider is options; nothing more. As Malcolm Fraser pointed out: on the two occasions when Australia was threatened, America sided with the hostile nation... Indonesia.
The US is now in the process of annexing northern Australia, including invasion of North East Arnhem Land and installation of China's first strike nuclear targets there.
Australia is in big trouble. We have all but lost our independence, national sovereignty, and prosperity.
Is economic, industrial and social collapse inevitable?
Only if we let it.
This website was created to help already alarmed Australians understand how our once-prosperous nation has been deliberately pauperised and poisoned into approaching third world status.
Some chapters in this website explain how our nation was taken over. For those who want to know, there is a definitive analysis of "How Australia was Globalised"; and what we can do to reverse the trend.
If you are part of an organisation or political party that aims to rescue Australia from globalised destruction, the article "How Australia was Globalised" is essential reading, covering as it does the seventeen elements of global takeover (Even internationally renowned geopolitical commentators have admitted they were aware of only nine elements). As far as we are aware, no other website provides such comprehensive analysis of the globalisation imposition; and that this site is 100% Australian-owned and managed, is surely a bonus.
Other pages on this website examine defense, genuine democracy, health issues, live export, northern bushfire management, immigration, terrorism, the war-on-drugs, and even the never-before-published true reasons why NT Aboriginal health, education, and development are in crisis.
How to navigate this website:
Each general subject appears at the top of each page and, if you click on each of these, a cascade of specific topics will appear.
New articles are being prepared daily.
A forum will be included just as soon as I learn how to install this.
Finally, if, having perused the articles featured on this website, you want to contribute to the rescue of our nation from the global investment bankers, please donate to PO Box 129 Nhulunbuy NT 0881, phone 0497162210, or email [email protected] A bank account number will be provided on request.
A five dollar note will help but the more $s we receive the more improvements we can apply to this site. When we are sufficiently solvent, I will launch a website for Australia's Defence Force personnel so that they have access to the real motivations of those who make military decisions.
Another site will tell the true story about the NT's Aboriginal community; which has yet to be heard. Read on if you want to know more about this...
Aboriginal issues
This website is also part of the campaign to protect and develop Aboriginal Homelands in the NT, especially in Arnhem Land. I am currently assisting Arnhem Land Yolngu to establish genuine cross-cultural detente with the Federal and NT Governments. The need for this is poorly understood, even by Territorians.
In an Australian first, this is explained herein...
Currently, NT Aborigines are forced to negotiate their survival in a foreign language... English... in which few are fluent.
This is the primary reason why they have no comprehension of food toxicity, malnutrition, hygiene, pathogen transmission, budgeting, or forward-planning. This failure of government to communicate critical information is why NT Aborigines are sick and dying prematurely in epidemic proportions, despite some $50 million per annum government expenditure on Arnhem Land hospitals, clinics; and salaries for doctors, nurses, and research scientists. This pointless expenditure does not include the salaries of thousands of public servants who administer this genocide.
And this is indeed genocide; but whether this is deliberate or the outcome of ignorance coupled with arrogant cultural unilateralism, has yet to be determined.
If government continues to ignore us we will finally know for certain that the genocide is calculated, intentional and a crime against humanity.
Unsurprisingly, as advocates, our primary goal is to persuade governments to recognise local languages, so that Aborigines finally have access to verbal dialogue with government IN THEIR OWN LANGUAGES.
This is a basic human right; enshrined in the United Nations Charter on Human Rights (Indigenous peoples), but is ignored by the Federal and NT Governments.
It is even ignored by the anthropologists who represent Aborigines.
Few, if any Australian anthropologists speak Aboriginal languages yet this is mandatory in every other country. This omission is so serious that a team of investigating Austrian anthropologists called for their Australian colleagues to be stripped of their degrees.
Site author:
Tony Ryan
[email protected]
© Copyright Tony Ryan 2018
Tony Ryan has engaged in careers in agriculture, education, welfare, community development research, Aboriginal training and development, tourism, real estate, publishing, and geopolitical journalism.
By all means, please venture comments, direct criticisms, level challenges, or simply ask questions. All are welcome. This is the kind of dialogue which takes us all forward into greater enlightenment.