Ask your grandparents if this first paragraph below is true...
In the 1950s, 60s and 70s every Australian had a full time job. Every family was prosperous and education was free. Owning our own home was the achievable dream of every Aussie, and food was healthy. Asthma and all the behaviour difficulties suffered by our children today were virtually unknown. Australia was a very happy place.
Then things began to change.
Family farms went broke as cheap foods invaded Australia, and cheap subsidised Chinese goods forced our manufacturers out of business. At first, people thought "cheap was good" but in only 30 years Australia lost 3 million full time jobs. Increasingly, ground into poverty and homelessness, many Australians can't afford any non-essential goods. Three million do not have a home of their own... rented or otherwise.
Our politicians lied to us.
Australia's famous demographic bell curve (the vast middle class) was turned upside down and replaced with the U-Curve... the povertty-stricken 60% at one end of the stastical spectrum, and the very rich at the other. This was achieved by Gough Whitlam, Bob Hawke, and Paul Keating. John Howard and, later, Kevin Rudd, Julia Gillard, Tony Abbott, Malcolm Turnbull, and Scott Morison, each dug our national grave a little deeper. Yet they would have us believe this is the ‘Age of Prosperity’; that unemployment is the lowest in 30 years.
Recorded door-to-door through a pre-identified and well-proved demographic corridor, our conservative independent surveys** show that total unemployment is around 26%. Another 25% have inadequate part time jobs.*
However, these three-yearly surveys can no longer record unemployment accurately because variously 7% to 13% of Australians are now homeless. Nevertheless, 54% of our survey participants believe unemployment is between 15% and 30%, revealing that government has little credibility. We believe Australia's real unemployment is the same as, or higher than, Spain's, Ireland's, Portugal's, Italy's, Greece's, UK's, and America's... all around 25+% (Americans unemployed longer then 6 months are removed from he statistics).
Readers are invited to conduct their own surveys through any middle to working class suburb, but we make two suggestions: First, offer a choice of favoured definitions of employment, including that in use globally since 1893, which is having a job that pays a liveable wage. Second, design your main survey employing the most popular definition chosen by your first survey participants. The Australian Government definition is: you are employed if you work, train or study for one hour per week.
Although academics have derided my unemployment reports, veteran journalist Paul Wallis, formerly a critic of my work, has published a book ("Dear Buckley", ISBN 9781484864210) which points to unemployment of 20%. And back in 1999, Max Walsh of the Newsweek-Bulletin surveyed and identified 23%; which heralded the death of this historic magazine. A social scientist startled ABCTV presenters recently by stating that 1 in 4 workers is unemployed and another 1 in 4 struggles on part time work. This is not what the ABC wants to hear but it is a measure which accords with our own.
Unemployment has caused widespread dislocation. Since the mid 70s one million Aussies were forced to leave rural and regional Australia and move to cities. This, plus unwise refugee and migrant intake placed enormous strain on coastal city water supplies and housing.
What caused this slow motion disaster?
There were many specific driving factors: privatisation, deregulation, economic rationalism, closure of 150 abattoirs (240,000 jobs from abattoirs and feeder/service industries) through live export of cattle and sheep; but most of all it was caused by the reduction and removal of tariffs, required by the globalist political cult of free trade. Free trade really means big devour small; and how this makes Australia "more competitive" has yet to be explained. Obviously, it cannot be explained because it is destroying Australian manufacturing, our food security, our disease quarantine, our jobs, our standard of living, our national sovereignty, and our ownership of our own resources... natural, infrastructural, and human resources.
The first necessary action to reverse this national slide into economic oblivion must be the restoration of industry protection... tariffs.
What are tariffs?
Tariffs are taxes placed on foreign imported goods and services that protect Australian industries, workers and families from unfair foreign competition. Removal of these protections destroyed three quarters of our family farms and almost 90% of our manufacturing sector. It is now beginning to eat into our IT and service industries.
Incredibly, Australia is the only country in the world whose government adopted these advanced measures of self-destruction (although the US is not far behind).
What can be done to save our country?
One single move will create a firewall to keep imported global recession at bay and create two million full time jobs within three years; approximately three million jobs within five. What is this silver bullet?
... Tariff restoration!
Unfortunately, the big international bankers and corporations do not want this because our loss is their profit, and they contribute heavily to politicians’ election campaigns. So, all Australians are going to have to make their views known to politicians.
To understand the full story on Tariff Restoration, click on the link at the top of this page... Restoring Prosperity - Details. Then, to appreciate all seventeen elements of the globalisation of Australia read the cascaded title How Australia was Globalised. Click on the word more... on the page titles line for a drop-down menu of other articles that provide details of how the global banker elite has imposed this monstrous colonisation of Australia. There are also articles pointing to realistic and practical options available to all Australians to help us take back our freedom and prosperity.
We are neither gullible, nor naive, and we know that neither major party will take any notice of a popular call for tariffs to be installed. (Ironically, the promise of restoring tariffs was how Donald Trump got elected in the US). First, the electorate must regain its political voice and this can be done by forming political parties which survey the electorate and convert the results of these surveys into party policies.
What we are talking about here is people power parties; and a return to policy evolving from the electorate itself. With both major parties very unpopular with voters it will not be hard for people power parties to win the balance of power, and then be able to force through legislation making referenda mandatory for all important issues. This is popularly known as Citizen Initiated Referenda or CIR.
Federally, it is critically important that pivotal government decisions regarding the economy, trade, war, minimum wage levels, taxation, family life, international treaties and agreements, protection of manufacturing and domestic production, are compulsorily mandated by referendum.
But for referenda to work, the electorate must be fully-informed and this will not happen until the media monopoly is dismantled and foreign ownership is terminated. Realistically, it is unlikely that this can be peacefully achieved in any states, but in the NT's Top End political power and media control are comparatively fragile. Or at least we hope this is the case.
Time will tell.
History of unemployment and the definition of unemployment (categorised by earlier text asterisks):
From well before the Australian Recession of the 1890s, through to the Great Depression, and up until the late 1970s, employment was defined as 'having a job that paid a liveable wage'.
To have valid historical and therefore statistical significance, any time-weighted measure must have definitive consistency.
Commensurate with this principle, unemployment was defined as above. During the Keating/Howard era, employment (and therefore unemployment) was redefined as having engaged in one hour’s work, training or study during the past week. This effectively removed about 70% of unemployed from official statistics; more in some states. eg In the NT, where CDEP (now CDP) removed about 95% of Aborigines from statistics, 37% real world unemployed were neatly reduced to 6%. We regard the historical definition of unemployment as the only valid measure and science actually demands this consistency before statistical validity can be recognised.
These figures were derived from the 2010 interactive questionnaire surveys of a pre-measured and proven (2001 to 2006) archetypal Australian demographic corridor in South East Queensland (Buderim/ Kuluin/ Maroochydore outer CBD/ Maroochy Waters); a purportedly tourism-wealthy region, in which any conceivable bias should lean heavily towards prosperity and low unemployment, relative to mainstream Australia.
The survey was undertaken by the Ryan Institute for Evidential Demographics, adapting direct contact techniques successfully developed by the author for Commonwealth and NT Governments to finally accurately measure urban drift, town camp populations and transgeographic motivation of traditional Northern Territory Aborigines. Prior to this, standard social science research models produced up to five hundred percent margins of error. Previous survey results were published in the hardcopy Australian Independent, but since that paper's demise all Australian media have refused to publish our results.
References: A full list of literary and research sources appear at the bottom of the page titled How Australia was Globalised
© Copyright Tony Ryan 2001, 2004, 2007, 2010, 2018.