Since the illegal release of the experimental jabs by America's CDC and FDA, we have prefaced the autism article with the more urgent mRNA threat.
WARNING: The mRNA 'vaccines' are neither legally nor medically vaccines. Moreover, THEY DO NOT PREVENT TRANSMISSION.
These jabs are in fact genetic interventions... more specifically, artificial pathogens that are inserted directly into every cell of your body by the components of hydrogel, which is partnered by graphene oxide, graphene hydroxide, and polyethylene glycol
As one expert put it: "It is a medical device designed to stimulate the human cell into becoming a pathogen creator" this pathogen being spike proteins which invade and destroy all endothelial tissues and cause red blood cells to aggregate lethally, causing blood clots.
According to leading doctors and medical scientists, these may also cause: multiple sclerosis, Lou Gehrig’s disease, cardiomylitis, neurologival collapse, and Alzheimer’s disease, along with another 1219 other adverse effects.
Specifically, the device instructs our cells to create spike proteins which, we were assured, will prevent the virus from replicating. Unfortunately, it is now revealed that spike proteins invade the blood and lymphatic system and from there, all glands including adrenal, bone marrow, spleen, brain, heart, liver, and kidneys.
Specific injuries are still being identified, but it is confirmed that the spike proteins damage the endothelial and epithelial membranse of the brain, heart, liver, and kidneys.
The 'vaccines' also contain adjuvents which, in repeat doses, are dangerous. One of these, polyelthylene glycol, attacks the autoimmune system. It has been calculated that loss of autoimmune syetem occurs at a rate of 5% per month; which means that withing 20 months, recipients of the jab wil have no resistance to disease, even colds and flu.
It gets worse. Scientists have identified AIDs in the "vaccine".
Finally, the 'vaccine' includes hydrojell, which also contains a two-way electronic communication device. Its function has yet to be revealed but speculation by experts is rife; none of these being purposes which most of us would approve. Anecdotal evidence of this is the ability of an estimated 25% of recipients to have metal objects stick to their jab site, and then later, their heads and bodies. Spanish scientists claim this can be attributed to the graphene oxide.
Basically, it appears, this "vaccine" is a self-replicating pathogen designed to kill as many people as possible. Because recipients of the 'vaccine' shed spike proteins to people who are close to them (ie spouses, babies and children) avoiding the 'vaccine'' may not be adequate protection. There are unconfirmed reports of pets of recipients dying within two weeks of the owner's jab.
PCR testing kits, all of which are made in China, also contain dangerous substances. All of these add up to the possibility of permanent ill-health for recipients, with estimates of death within two years suggested by eminent scientists. Both the PCR test and the instant version merely record the presence of flu virus. As the inventor of the PCR test, Dr Kary Mullis pointed out, it cannot identify a pathogen and was never designed for that purpose.
The CDC has finally admitted this, yet Australian hospitals are stil using the test. This confirms the complete fraud at work here.
Was the pandemic a mistake or is this intentional? As the ancient Romans advised, follow the money trail.
Leading promotors and financial beneficiaries of these 'vaccines' are Bill Gates, Anthony Faucci, Peter Dazsak, the Wellcome Institute. These people are all eugenicists. It is their professed intention to eliminate 80% of the world's population to relieve "global overpopulation" when, in fact, the current global birth rate is now only 2.4 kids per family. These people are criminal psychopaths, but are too rich and powerful to be arrested and imprisoned.
Fauci has been exposed by former Pfizer Vice president and Chief Medical Advisor. Michael Yeadon as a compulsive liar and fraud. Moreover, along with Gates and Dazsak, he illegally invested American Institute of Health funds, provided by US Congress, into the Wuhan Laboratory for research on Covid 19 weaponisation.
Also implicated are the Rockefellers and Rothschilds, who have long supported the objective of eliminating 80% of the world's population and reinstalling medieval fuedalism, along with their committee of 300 aristocrats and ancient banker dynasties.
Evidence difficult to hide has shown that, since 2017, global civilian mortality has not changed, proving that Covid deaths have been massively exaggerated. Morover, the PCR test is only accurate at 17 cycles magnification but is universally used at 35-40 cycles, causing millions of false positive results.
In shocking contrast to this genocidal behaviour, is the 83% efficacy of Ivermectin Triple Therapy, over 60 years, both as a covid cure and preventive, and with no side effects. Yet it is banned and doctors who prescribe it are disciplined or deregistered.
To me, at least, all of the above adds up to global mass murder by psychopaths, with politicians, media barons, and medical bureaucrats criminally complicit.
AUTHOR'S NOTE: In this article, I am passing on the research of others. I have no relevant knowledge or skills of my own. The reader is urged to conduct their own research. The names of eminent scientists, two of these Nobel Prize winners, whose work I have paraphrased, are as follows...
Dr Michael Yeadon, Dr Pierre Cory, Dr Paul Marik, Dr Judy Mikovits, Delores Cahill, Tetyana Obukhanvch, Dr James Lyons-Weiler, Dr Peter Doshi, Dr Mark Wathelet, Dr Tom Cowan, Dr Andrew Kaufman, Dr Roger Hodkinson, Dr Vernon Coleman, Geert Vanden Bossche PhD (GAVI), Dr Doug Corrigan, Professor Thomas Borody, Dr Ken Biegeleisen PhD, and Dr Sucharit Bhakdi; and literally hundreds of others.
Australian doctors have formed a new association known as the Australian Medical professionals Society (AMPS).
Now... back to the
By Tony Ryan
This article does not seek to dissuade the reader from being vaccinated, but to provide frustrated parents and truth-seekers with information that is never permitted to appear in the public media. The author’s attitude is that if people are gullible enough to believe the propaganda of the sickness industry, they thoroughly deserve the consequences.
The author claims no qualifications or expertise other than a willingness to undertake the arduous research of those who are in fact qualified and who have also demonstrated intelligence, competence and integrity. This, in the author’s opinion, disqualifies around 95% of ‘health professionals’ and, most certainly, all politicians and medical bureaucrats.
My primary aim here is to present evidence supporting the need for a NATIONAL RESEARCH ESTABLISHMENT TO EXAMINE FOR SAFETY ALL COMMERCIAL SUBSTANCES INGESTED BY HUMANS, PARTICULARLY INFANTS AND CHILDREN. I am opposed passively by the Grocery Council, the Australian Medical Association, and the medical/pharmaceutical alliance, who want no such research conducted, whatsoever.
Significantly, not one doctor in Australia supports the establishment of such a facility or, if they do, they are too terified to say so.
History of autism
The history of Autism goes back only 84 years.
*Two independent studies into the 300,000 population of Amish in the US recorded only two cases of autism and these were in children of one family who had spent time away from the Amish community and were vaccinated by non-Amish relatives.
Autism and other vaccine injuries are clearly a serious global phenomenon, one that is injuring and even killing millions of babies and infants. One would routinely expect all governments to spare no expense or effort to urgently identify the cause or causes, and the remedy. Yet not one government is doing this, except to fund research to prove the pandemic is not caused by vaccinations.
Governments close down their communities to 'combat' corona virus, which kills less people than the flu, yet the triply-more-dangerous autism pandemic is ignored.
Something is very wrong here.
The entire point of government is to protect The People from exploitation and oppression by the powerful. Yet here we are, with governments and the media protecting the medical / pharmaceutical monopoly from public scrutiny.
Moreover, governments are punishing citizens who question the validity of medical practices which easily-available evidence demonstrates are harmful to children.
Doctors and medical scientists who support these citizens and who duly recognise that the contra-indication evidence cannot be repudiated; are vilified and ridiculed, and many have lost their licences to practice.
When governments repress evidence or wrongdoing and death, this can only be described as endemic corruption.
However, in jurisdictions where outcomes are regulated solely by evidence, and I refer here to law courts, the outcome is very different.
Court actions in UK, Italy, Sweden, India, Nepal, Hungary, France, the US and other nations have proved instances of injury caused by the following vaccines: polio, mumps, measles, MMR (combo measles, mumps, rubella), H1N1 swine flu, seasonal flu, tetanus (the tetanus/diphtheria/pertussis combo vaccine), and varicella (chicken pox), and the new HPP (Gardasil cervical cancer vaccine with 39 US deaths); while the Australian Government and Australian Medical Association posture inexplicably that such risk either does not exist or is so low as to be of negligible concern.
It is routinely claimed by authorities that the cause of autism is essentially unknown, but is probably of genetic origin. Given the exponential explosion of incidence over 84 years from an original position of no cases at all, one thing we can presume for an absolute certainty is that genetics plays no causal part in developimg autism and any claim otherwise is a gross insult to our intelligence. (Nonetheless, doctors have been routinely insulting our intelligence for decades and with remarkable success; aided by prolific film and TV public relations creations).
The doctor/pharmaceutical/government alliance (known to healthy cynics as the Sickness Industry) has also told us there is no known cure for autism. Read on and learn what consummate and unconscionable liars these people are.
UK neurologist, Dr Natasha Campbell-McBride, following through on the research of fellow-national Dr Andrew Wakefield, was one of those who made a breakthrough when she cured her own child of autism largely through reintroducing gut flora.
I have viewed a video in which a tearful mother told us that her teenage son had just looked her in the eye for the first time in his life and said “I love you Mum”. This is the impact of Campbell-McBride’s therapies and treatments, cures that desperate parents of autistic children would probably kill for, but are denied access to these by doctors who place profits above patients.
What follows in the next few paragraphs is, for the sake of brevity, my own interpretation of Campbell-McBride’s and others’ experience and research results:
A pattern appears to have emerged that vaccinations interfere with the natural development of children’s immune systems leading to new chronic infections: typically tonsil, adenoid, and ear infections; but also chronic diarrhoea (initiated by lack of protective gut flora, and then again exacerbated by repeatedly prescribed antibiotics and vaccines). These were conditions which emerged following introduction of vaccines, most especially MMR.
The complex sequence of multi-sourced attacks appears to be as follows:
1. Since the introduction of the contraceptive pill, which is now thought to compromise gut flora, thus-effected women appear to pass on this deficiency to their female babies; who grow up to pass on a more enhanced gut flora deficiency (Gut and Psychological Syndrome… GAPS) in their own children; and so on. This is believed to be intergenerationally cumulative. Such babies, especially if not breastfed are highly susceptible to infections.
Babies harvest gut and skin flora in the birth canal and, therefore, Caesarean babies do not receive this critical benefit. Breastfed babies receive their second launching of their immune system from initial breast milk, and this quality is self-modifying over the breast-feeding period. (Breastfed babies become susceptible when breastfeeding ceases, which is why breast feeding for four years is recommended; but bottle-fed babies suffer from birth).
Because they have yet to develop an immune system, GAPS babies are incapable of benefiting from vaccines (some opinion has it that no baby less than two years old can benefit from vaccines, period… a thought which makes absolute sense). Worse, many vaccines contain genetically modified viruses with unknown effects (incorporated in the vaccine purely to enable patenting by the pharmaceutical corporations).
2. Routinely, as infections or symptoms occur, doctors prescribe antibiotics and the consequential further or complete elimination of gut flora exposes the child to atypical infections while simultaneously depressing normal immune system development. One strain of atypical bacteria tends to form an exclusive and dominant colony and produces a toxin that damages parts of both the cranial and enteric nervous systems; and sometimes the extent of this damage is exacerbated by other factors (3 & 4).
3. Brain and nerve damage is also influenced by the kind of adjuvants used in vaccines, particularly, it would seem, glutamate, mercury, aluminium, polyethylene glycol (PEG), and formaldehyde; which appear to independently cause brain damage of their own, hardly surprising considering mercury is the second most toxic element after uranium; and glutamate is the substance that regulates early brain development, influenced by the overall immune system (see Dr Blaylock link…
4. Common and (in this context) highly toxic vaccine adjuvants and additives are: aluminium, monosodium glutamate, sodium phosphate, phenoxyethanol, gelatin, sulphites, yeast protein, antibiotics, RNA and DNA from animal and human tissue cultures, squalene, ethyl glycol (anti-freeze), triton disinfectant, phenol, and polysorbate 80. Additional chemicals implicated in autism are preservatives 280 and 283. Many of these are extremely toxic in minute doses and at least two of these seriously retard or stop infant brain development, so why are these substances used in medical treatments for babies and children and pregnant women?
There is one very obvious answer: because they are cheaper adjuvants than the expensive alternatives. This then is partly about profit. These multi-sourced interactive attacks on the brain and nervous system tend to explain the wide spectrum of autism manifestations; possibly exacerbated by aspartame, food MSG and, without doubt, by bottle-feeding of babies (all legal dairy milk contains rBST).
5. A fourth series of effects can be sourced in the active component of the vaccine itself. The polio vaccine administered in India has so far caused 53,000 cases of paralysis, inexplicably dubbed non-polio paralysis by typically dishonest medical scientists. (The person most responsible for this tragedy is Bill Gates).
6. A fifth cumulative or even primary concern is contaminants in vaccines. Jonas Salk himself admitted in a video interview that there were 37 contaminants in his polio vaccine, ranging from animal protein to pathogen particles. (Having explained this he cackled insanely, and then died).
Autism is not the only issue of contention.
Claimed vaccine efficacy itself has been a fraud. Objective research of two centuries of disease incidence reveals that all of the diseases claimed to be reduced or eliminated by vaccines, had declined dramatically long before vaccine programmes were established (ie small pox et al); largely due to improved public sewerage programmes, provision of clean water, better housing, nutrition, personal hygiene, antibiotics, and treatment of injuries. The claims by the pharmaceutical corporations and medical industry are bogus. Immunization-Graphs-Complete.pdf (application/pdf Object) and
The high percentage of already vaccinated disease victims demonstrates the vaccines simply do not work (ie pertussis and mumps).
Some vaccines actually cause disease. Chicken pox vaccine, for example, causes previously unknown childhood shingles, more dangerous and infinitely more painful than the original childhood disease.
Objective analysis of Sudden Infant Death Syndrome (SIDS) also reveals vaccination to be the cause. Incidence of SIDS parallels the expansion of vaccination programmes.
The most immediate logical conclusion is that all suspect vaccines should be immediately taken off the market.
To those who would accuse me of attempting to persuade Australians against vaccines, please note I do no such thing. I have merely listed worrying evidence to justify proper qualified and publicly transparent research.
The following paragraph is my only recommendation, one that government has ignored for seven years now…
The Australian Government should immediately establish an independent and transparent research facility to examine the short and long term effects of all pharmaceutical and commercial products that are ingested by humans.
Vaccines that do not work, or that cause disease, or pose high risk of autism or Guillain-Barre Syndrome (H1N1 swine flu vaccine) must be condemned and discontinued.
Currently, almost all safety checking is done by the pharmaceutical corporations themselves and all of it is very short term (ie a few weeks rather than years).
Australia and NZ’s reliance on America’s FDA is naïve in the extreme, or as many would say, cynical, considering how many FDA executives have career origins in the pharmaceutical corporations they are purported to regulate.
Antibiotics should always be followed by restoration of gut flora; which might prove vexing as 70% of all antibiotics used are for animal feed: ie factory farming, feedlot farming, and for dairy cows milked other than for raw milk.
Observations from the article source region of Arnhem Land, NT.
It might well be noted that Australia’s Aborigines in the northern states (NT and Kimberly) receive more such antibiotics and vaccinations than any comparable group in the world, and that because of deficient diet, largely reliant on processed foods and takeaways, plus vast consumption of sugars and carbohydrates, this has had undoubted implications for Aboriginal health; inviting pointed questions about the number of deaths due to cancer of the liver and other organs.
Aboriginal cultural insistence on breastfeeding for two to four years has probably blurred if not obviated much incidence of autism, but cessation upon the birth of the next sibling would go a long way to explaining later learning difficulties. There are so many factors responsible for brain damage and impaired brain development among traditional Aborigines that it is hard to differentiate between other causes and autism, or combinations of both.
Of probable validity is the observation that the two sickest populations in the western world are Americans and Australian Aborigines of the North; which also happen to be the two most vaccinated populations on this planet. Note: the author lives with his Aboriginal family in Arnhem Land and has observed the causes of NT Aboriginal health over a period of fifty years; ten of these as a Commonwealth and NT Government welfare officer. These are not casual notes. Furthermore, the author contends that the primary causes of NT Aboriginal ill-health remain unrecognised and unaddressed. Government refusal to examine these invites a conclusion of deliberate genocide. A separate paper covers this.
Potentially harmful seasonal flu vaccinations
Data collected from Canada and Hong Kong during 2009-2010 showed that people who received the seasonal flu vaccine in 2008 had twice the risk of getting the H1N1 “swine flu,” compared to those who hadn't received a flu shot.
“While these initial findings were largely disputed by the pharmaceutical industry, new research confirms the link between the flu vaccination and an increased risk of more serious bouts of pandemic illness.
Moreover, there are major differences between naturally-acquired immunity and vaccine-induced immunity. With vaccination, you are creating an antibody, but as recent research has confirmed, unvaccinated children naturally build up more antibodies against a wider variety of flu virus strains than vaccinated children. “(Quote: Dr Joseph Mercola, US).
Flu vaccines
(As above) Data collected from Canada and Hong Kong during 2009-2010 showed that people who received the seasonal flu vaccine in 2008 had twice the risk of getting the H1N1 “swine flu,” compared to those who hadn't received a flu shot – Mercola. Flu Vaccine Increases Risk of Serious Pandemic Flu Illness
Swedish children struck down by vaccine-induced narcolepsy. Narcolepsy traced to specific vaccine batches - The Local
The UN’s WHO-declared Grade 6 H1N1 pandemic turned out to be milder than most seasonal flus, and the subsequent untested vaccination carried more disadvantages than it offered protection. But this was not the only problem to emerge from this debacle: According to new research published in JAMA, the more children are exposed to per fluorinated compounds (PFCs), the less likely they are to have a good immune response to vaccinations. The finding suggests that these chemicals can affect children’s immune system enough to make them more vulnerable to infectious diseases. More Evidence That Flu Vaccines Are Worthless
Inadequate testing of flu vaccines exposes efficacy weaknesses, especially in respect of the aged. Efficacy and effectiveness of influenza vaccines: a systematic review and meta-analysis: The Lancet Infectious Diseases
The deaths of four infants in Nepal within three hours of receiving measles vaccines has drawn fresh attention to inadequate reporting systems that mask many times more deaths. As one of the first courageous doctors to blow the whistle on fraudulent medical practices, Dr Joseph Mercola, observes: A quick search of America’s Vaccine Adverse Event Reporting System (VAERS) 2 reveals nearly 5,100 vaccine-related deaths have been reported in the U.S between 1990 and August 2012, as of this writing. The vast majority of deaths – nearly 60 percent – occurred in children under the age of three. Just over 360 of the reported vaccine-associated deaths in the US have been related to any of the measles-containing vaccines.
With adverse event information on over 70 vaccines included in the VAERS database, it is a phenomenal tool that can help you easily identify which vaccines are significantly associated with specific side effects. It is important to know, though, that what is included in VAERS is only a tiny fraction of the vaccine-related serious health problems, hospitalizations, injuries and deaths that have actually occurred in the U.S.
Note: Reporting vaccine injury is not mandatory.
Studies have estimated that less than 10 percent, to as little as ONE percent, of vaccine side effects are ever reported, so the true side effects and deaths are easily FAR higher than the reported statistics represent. This means there may have been anywhere from 3600 to 36,000 deaths that have occurred in the US alone after children or adults received measles containing vaccines. The Dangers of the Measles Vaccine to Infants
The Sydney Morning Herald parrots pharmaceutical industry claims that vaccines are safe, ignoring the evidence. Institute of Medicine adverse reactions report admits MMR vaccines cause measles, seizures, anaphylaxis and other health problems
Virologists give evidence of falsification of data and inadequate testing by Merk. Merck Accused of Lying About Mumps Vaccine
MMR (measles, mumps & rubella)
Italian Health Ministry admits MMR vaccine caused autism. Dr Andrew Wakefield’s 1998 study that suggested links between MMR, chronic bowel inflammation and lost gut flora has been confirmed in dozens of studies worldwide; but the pharmaceutical industry’s rebuttal and vicious attacks against Andrew Wakefield have been widely reported in the Murdoch media, as justified (see links on Wakefield). httItalian Court Reignites MMR Vaccine Debate
Italian court rules MMR vaccine did trigger autism
New Evidence Supports Dr. Wakefield's MMR Vaccine Study
Dr. Andrew Wakefield’s Interview on His MMR Study
CDC Autism Researcher Indicted for Fraud
MMR causes autism in test monkeys. Monkeys Get Autism-like Reactions to MMR & Other Vaccines In University of Pittsburgh Vaccine Study |
PERTUSSIS (whooping cough)
83% of children with whooping cough were already vaccinated. One doctor says he still recommends the vaccine because it marginally reduces the distressing symptoms. Vaccine failure admitted: Whooping cough outbreaks higher among children already vaccinated
SIDS is linked to vaccines. Hepatitis B Vaccine Highly Linked to Sudden Infant Death
How Technology Has Made Global Polio Eradication Impossible | Pakalert Press
With outrageous dishonesty, doctors invariably present the defeat of polio as generated by the polio vaccine. The 1950s outbreak of polio was due to post-war malnutrition, shortage of housing, and the war-time breakdown of personal hygiene. Because the bacterium responsible is found in human excrement, a massive campaign in hand-washing after going to the toilet was highly successful, facilitated by the manufacture of tissue-type toilet paper and the expedited installation of in-house flush toilets.
Prior to this, most homes had outhouses, with toilet paper typically being that week’s newspaper, which was less than pliant or safe.
These innovations removed the cause of transmission and the polio epidemic ceased.
Having said this, there is mounting evidence that polio was caused by massive DDT spraying. Deaths were centred on communities heavily sprayed. Polio as a pathogen-derived disease was a coverup to prevent litigation on a gargantuan scale... or so it is speculated. But having witnessed the vast range of complicity in the covid scamdemic, this hypothesis is looking increasingly plausible.
Ironically, in the face of vaccine sceptics, doctors love to conjure up the1950s horrors of children deformed by wasted limbs, cheerfully oblivious to the true cause. Registered nurse, Queenslander Sister Elizabeth Kenny, discovered that by applying massage therapy to the affected limbs, the children under her care recovered full use of their limbs. Meanwhile, all doctors immobilised paralysed limbs with plaster of paris and these were the children who permanently lost use of those limbs, which remained shrivelled for life.
When confronted by this horrific outcome comparison, would we not expect the good doctors to hug Sister Kenny and to joyfully embrace her methodology?
Hell no.
The elitist doctors, quite apart from their natural misogyny and resentment of medical women who did not know their place, realised that if the truth got out they would face horrific litigation and possible criminal prosecution for negligence and malpractice.
They did the only thing they could and put Kenny in prison for five years… for practicing medicine without a licence. Clearly, Queensland judiciary have less respect for truth and justice than in other national jurisdictions.
It is not known how many kids lost the use of their limbs after that. But as with all other diseases, later vaccinations had nothing to do with the demise of the polio epidemic. And relieved doctors retained their mafia-like monopoly over disease mitigation, more recently realising that the sicker people are the more money doctors make. To this end, many have abandoned clinic and surgery hand hygiene (estimated by one doctor to be one third of all Australian doctors, a position which he told the ABC has put Australian medicine back to the standards of the 19th century).
Journalists discovered that secret CCTV monitoring of doctors in surgery, clinics, and practices, showed that up to 75% of doctors and nurses ignored hand washing recommendations.
My personal conclusion is that this is not laziness but a calculated decision to enhance opportunities for infection as these also enhance profits. This was almost admitted to me by a Queensland healh clinic doctor who later infected lacerations on my legs, that he was dressing.
Crushing people who are genuine healers and medical saviours is a long-established medical tradition in Australia. The doctor who first blew the whistle on Thalidomide, Dr William McBride, was banned from practicing medicine until 1998… almost half a century. He was not recognised for his courageous role until 2018, when an ABC TV journalist unwittingly released the truth.
A West Australian doctor who successfully treated cancer victims with Black Salve (aka Cansema), a 2000 year old remedy now enhanced with DMSO, was also deregistered. Although veterinarians have also used this since forever, it is now illegal for them to buy or sell this product. Yet, as this author can attest, Cansema dissolves skin cancers (including clinically-diagnosed advanced squamous cell carcinomas) in just twelve days, at a cost of a few dollars.
Australian doctors, like doctors elsewhere, can best be described as members of a ruthless professional mafia, who imprison competition and whistle-blowers, and routinely kill their victims. To those who might regard such a view as extreme, I challenge them to put the evidence included in this article before any medical doctor and observe the anger, repudiation, aggression, and flat refusal to test the evidence for validity. Their guilt is ipso facto.
Processing the evidence
If you did not read this article, the following graphs alone are an indictment of the vaccination industry. The curves parallel the history of disease mitigation as presented by Public Health courses throughout most of the 20th century. There has never been any attempt to deny the accuracy of the graphs. Doctors merely pretend they do not exist.
A series of graphs showing impacts of vaccines are in stark conflict with official claims: Immunization-Graphs-Complete.pdf (application/pdf Object)
Doctors are regularly paid off by pharmaceutical corporations… the correct word is bribed. Eli Lilly admits to more than $200 million dollars worth of doctor payoffs
Dr Blaylock Vaccines and Autism Part 1 of 14 - YouTube
Concluding comments: Vaccines are never 100 percent protective because they provide only temporary, typically inferior immunity compared to that your body would receive from naturally contracting and recovering from a disease. This becomes a question of balance: advantages of the vaccine as opposed to negative effects. Although tetanus vaccinations were initially presumed by me to be efficacious, it was nevertheless difficult to obtain a tetanus shot not contaminated by diphtheria and pertussis. Check diphtheria on the graphs; it caused an increase in incidence.
One might well ask, why? While researching for an uncontaminated tetanus shot we were provided with evidence that makes even tetanus vaccines unsupportable. Tetanus will be covered later in the article.
Your Gut Flora Affects Your Physical and Mental Health
Dr. Natasha Campbell-McBride on GAPS Nutritional Program
In Memoriam: Infant Deaths and Vaccination
Vaccine Study |
Not only does Campbell-McBride’s prevention recommendations and treatment work, there are also successful treatments for advanced cases…
Pharmaceutical industry crimes
GlaxoSmithKline pleads guilty to criminal fraud charges, pays massive $3 billion in fines
Harvard Study Shows the Effects of Fluoride on Children's IQ
Obamacare Mandate: 15-Year-Old Girls Receive Free Sterilizations Without Parental Consent | Pakalert Press
Immunization-Graphs-Complete.pdf (application/pdf Object)
seizures, anaphylaxis and other health problems
In Memoriam: Infant Deaths and Vaccination
Understanding gut flora
Ninety percent of the genetic material in our body is not ours, but from the nearly 100 trillion bacteria, fungi, viruses and other microorganisms that compose our microflora.
Our microflora influences our genetic expression, our immune system, weight, mental health, memory (PLEASE NOTE, THOSE WHO FEAR DEMENTIA), and our risk of numerous chronic and acute diseases, from diabetes to cancer.
It is becoming increasingly clear that destroying our gut flora with antibiotics, vaccine adjuvents, and poor diet, are primary factors in rising disease rates. Recent research suggests intestinal inflammation may play a crucial role in the development of certain cancers; accelerated by sugars.
Avoiding antibiotics and beef derived from feedlot cattle dosed with hormones: rBGH in meat and rBST- poisoned milk cows (Posilac); and avoiding sugar by adhering to a low-sugar diet, along with plenty of unpasteurised fermented foods and/or a high-quality probiotic supplement, are crucial elements for restoring and maintaining both our gut’s inner ecosystem and our overall health.
Growing our own vegetables or buying organic, are other essential measures. We make these recommendations because these echo the advice offered by organisations and individuals who have impressed us with their competence and integrity.
The question on the lips of citizens who view the evidence...
Why are the medical profession, government, and the pharmaceutical industry so adamantly opposed to independent and transparent national research into these issues?
Conversely, why are doctors and scientists of integrity; who point to independent research results implicating medical products in human injury and death, always subjected to character assassination, vilification, and occupational blacklisting; along with ‘medical science’s’ refusal to address the evidence they produce (see links on Dr Andrew Wakefield)?
This is especially the case with vaccine problems, GM food effects on health, contraindicated drugs and other pharmaceuticals, and even routine medical procedures that, alarmingly, have never been supported by evidence or testing (60% of).
It is in the public interest, therefore, to present this compilation of evidence to all Australians.
As an Australian citizen I declare the right to draw my own conclusions, while you, the reader, can equally judge for yourself. Such self-protection assessments do not require medical training; merely average intelligence and the capacity to read and to think analytically; avenues which are the inalienable right of every citizen.
As has been pointed out by expert immunologists, vaccinations do not provide the same protection as natural resistance gained from the disease itself. In spite of expert assurances over several decades, that vaccinations will one day rid humanity of disease, increasingly it has been found that regular boosters are required; that some vaccinations do not work at all (ie flu, pertussis); and that others (Chicken pox) produce effects worse than the original disease (ie childhood shingles, which can destroy eyesight). Ingri Cassel of the VLF in Idaho provided information on tetanus history and vaccines Tetanus – The Disease and the Vaccine, which means the tetanus vaccination too is now rejected.
The AMA has always adopted the self-serving attitude that only qualified medicos have the right to decide whether or not remedies, treatments and procedures are good for us; which is plainly an elitist, corrupt and anti-democratic stance. I am not proselytising my own opinion but I do insist that it is my right to make my own decisions, in the interests of protecting my health and my life; and that of my children and grandchildren.
Moreover, the doctors who lobby government for mandatory vaccinations, a practice (ie mandatory medical intervention) universally condemned following its use by the Nazi’s Dr Joseph Mengele’s during WWII, will undoubtedly one day challenge their stance.
Post Script: in point of fact, at this time of early 2022, the globally renowned lawyer Reiner Fuellmich has published a list of what he regards as war criminals, who he is prosecutingthrough the International Criminal Court (ICC) in echo of the Nuremberg Trials, as these people have violated the Nuremberg Code, and also their own country's Constitutions and Privacy Laws. The list includes Bill Gates, Peter Daszak, Anthony Faucci, and severaal medical bureaucrats and politicians.
Globally there have been calls for their execution following conviction.
My own belief is that Fuellmich is an agent of the Globalists, installed to divert our time and energy into pointless prosecutions that go nowhere because the US does not recognise the ICC. Likewise, in Australia, I am skeptical about the posturing of Australia One Party convenor Riccardo Bosi, who has threatened execution for all complicit politicians and bureaucrats. I do not believe him. I think he is a covid industry stooge. I believe his advice to jab mandate protestors is a betrayal of commonsense and not advice that a competent former SS soldier would offer in his wildest dreams.
It is difficult to identify whether doctor’s lack integrity, are simply deficient in intelligence, or are willingly ignorant of any research that opposes their self-serving mercenary views. As the internet enables a wider cross-section of the nation to comprehend autism and its relationship with vaccine damage and mismanagement of antibiotics, it will be for the courts and the electorate to judge culpability. Like many Australians, I look forward to protection of children from such injury, and proper care for those already afflicted.
To offer some encouragement as to how easy it is to apply the science of tipping point to the vaccine controversy, for seven years I peppered the Sunshine Coast media (Australia's most churned population) with rebuttals to the oft-appearing promotion of vaccines by local doctors. Initially, I was reviled and ridiculed by fellow readers, but by year seven it was the doctors (invariably in troll form) who were being ridiculed. The Sunshine Coast now boasts 30% of the population who refuse to be vaccinated.
The provided links have stirred governments to act in Europe and in the Russian-influenced states; but not in the US or Australia. No doubt, this failure will eventually provoke legal challenges directed at the AMA and Federal and State portfolio holders.
We look forward to their prosecution and imprisonment.
Tony Ryan
© Copyright Tony Ryan 2007; 2018; regularly upgraded up to 19/03/2022.
Tony Ryan is a social and geopolitical researcher and cross-cultural analyst, specialising in Aboriginal development issues in Arnhem Land.
Believing firmly that one must live one’s subject matter to deserve credibility, he has had previous careers in cattle, education, journalism, crane operation, trade unions, welfare, community development, landscaping, safari operation, real estate, and publishing.
Personal disclaimer: I am merely a health product consumer and I make no claim to be an expert in anything whatsoever and cannot, therefore, be judged as expert or professional. Thus, the Australian Medical Association's usual method of silencing critics... prosecution for practicing medicine without a licence... cannot be applied to me.
Secondly, from the early 1960s, as a component of various university courses (education, social welfare, etc) I was required to study Public Health, which memorably held that historical disease incidence reduction occurred following a series of public health initiatives: 1880s introduction of sewerage systems; establishment of clean drinking water reservoirs; garbage collection; improved housing; enhanced nutrition; public education, facilitating health education; the discovery of antibiotics; and a succession of preventive environmental health programmes.
With this dichotomy of public health successes were accompanying graphs which time-sequenced these events and their impact on disease incidence.
Time-honoured public health knowledge suddenly evaporated and we were told that vaccinations were responsible. Like any other thinking person aged 79 and over, this provoked scepticism; but worse was to come.
As a consumer, parent and grandparent, addressing a vast plethora of very salient health concerns, I now see evidence that doctors and the pharmaceutical industry are injuring not only adults, but babies and children. So I speak out. Who would not?
Note regarding the covid-19 pandemic: I have read convinving arguments that the virus was created in Fort Detrick, USA, and transported to Wuhan by Anthony Faucci using Congressional funds, illegally. The international ownership of the Wuhan facility makes for fascinating reading. Be that as it may, I am more concerned that Thomas Borody's Ivermectin Triple Therapy, with 100% efficacy both as a preventive and 83% as a cure, is entirely ignored by most governments. This is par for course, because whan Borody discovered the bacteria that causes peptic ulcers, it took doctors ten years to accept this.
Here is the cruncher...
In Arnhem Land, Ivermectin could be provided to every Aboriginal person as a prophylactic, and at a cost of $1.30 per person per year. This would not only prevent covid transmission and infection, it would eliminate scabies, a consequence of which would be an end to the related Rheumatic Heart Disease which kills hundreds of young people.
Actively preventing this are: the Menzies School of Health Research; the NT Department of Health, and the executives of the Northen Land Council, especially Aborigines Joe Martin-Jard and Sam Bush-Blanasi; both of whom are fully aware of this.
This sure sounds like a crime against humanity to me. More specifically, genocide of NT Aborigines.
Tony Ryan
WARNING: The mRNA 'vaccines' are neither legally nor medically vaccines. Moreover, THEY DO NOT PREVENT TRANSMISSION.
These jabs are in fact genetic interventions... more specifically, artificial pathogens that are inserted directly into every cell of your body by the components of hydrogel, which is partnered by graphene oxide, graphene hydroxide, and polyethylene glycol
As one expert put it: "It is a medical device designed to stimulate the human cell into becoming a pathogen creator" this pathogen being spike proteins which invade and destroy all endothelial tissues and cause red blood cells to aggregate lethally, causing blood clots.
According to leading doctors and medical scientists, these may also cause: multiple sclerosis, Lou Gehrig’s disease, cardiomylitis, neurologival collapse, and Alzheimer’s disease, along with another 1219 other adverse effects.
Specifically, the device instructs our cells to create spike proteins which, we were assured, will prevent the virus from replicating. Unfortunately, it is now revealed that spike proteins invade the blood and lymphatic system and from there, all glands including adrenal, bone marrow, spleen, brain, heart, liver, and kidneys.
Specific injuries are still being identified, but it is confirmed that the spike proteins damage the endothelial and epithelial membranse of the brain, heart, liver, and kidneys.
The 'vaccines' also contain adjuvents which, in repeat doses, are dangerous. One of these, polyelthylene glycol, attacks the autoimmune system. It has been calculated that loss of autoimmune syetem occurs at a rate of 5% per month; which means that withing 20 months, recipients of the jab wil have no resistance to disease, even colds and flu.
It gets worse. Scientists have identified AIDs in the "vaccine".
Finally, the 'vaccine' includes hydrojell, which also contains a two-way electronic communication device. Its function has yet to be revealed but speculation by experts is rife; none of these being purposes which most of us would approve. Anecdotal evidence of this is the ability of an estimated 25% of recipients to have metal objects stick to their jab site, and then later, their heads and bodies. Spanish scientists claim this can be attributed to the graphene oxide.
Basically, it appears, this "vaccine" is a self-replicating pathogen designed to kill as many people as possible. Because recipients of the 'vaccine' shed spike proteins to people who are close to them (ie spouses, babies and children) avoiding the 'vaccine'' may not be adequate protection. There are unconfirmed reports of pets of recipients dying within two weeks of the owner's jab.
PCR testing kits, all of which are made in China, also contain dangerous substances. All of these add up to the possibility of permanent ill-health for recipients, with estimates of death within two years suggested by eminent scientists. Both the PCR test and the instant version merely record the presence of flu virus. As the inventor of the PCR test, Dr Kary Mullis pointed out, it cannot identify a pathogen and was never designed for that purpose.
The CDC has finally admitted this, yet Australian hospitals are stil using the test. This confirms the complete fraud at work here.
Was the pandemic a mistake or is this intentional? As the ancient Romans advised, follow the money trail.
Leading promotors and financial beneficiaries of these 'vaccines' are Bill Gates, Anthony Faucci, Peter Dazsak, the Wellcome Institute. These people are all eugenicists. It is their professed intention to eliminate 80% of the world's population to relieve "global overpopulation" when, in fact, the current global birth rate is now only 2.4 kids per family. These people are criminal psychopaths, but are too rich and powerful to be arrested and imprisoned.
Fauci has been exposed by former Pfizer Vice president and Chief Medical Advisor. Michael Yeadon as a compulsive liar and fraud. Moreover, along with Gates and Dazsak, he illegally invested American Institute of Health funds, provided by US Congress, into the Wuhan Laboratory for research on Covid 19 weaponisation.
Also implicated are the Rockefellers and Rothschilds, who have long supported the objective of eliminating 80% of the world's population and reinstalling medieval fuedalism, along with their committee of 300 aristocrats and ancient banker dynasties.
Evidence difficult to hide has shown that, since 2017, global civilian mortality has not changed, proving that Covid deaths have been massively exaggerated. Morover, the PCR test is only accurate at 17 cycles magnification but is universally used at 35-40 cycles, causing millions of false positive results.
In shocking contrast to this genocidal behaviour, is the 83% efficacy of Ivermectin Triple Therapy, over 60 years, both as a covid cure and preventive, and with no side effects. Yet it is banned and doctors who prescribe it are disciplined or deregistered.
To me, at least, all of the above adds up to global mass murder by psychopaths, with politicians, media barons, and medical bureaucrats criminally complicit.
AUTHOR'S NOTE: In this article, I am passing on the research of others. I have no relevant knowledge or skills of my own. The reader is urged to conduct their own research. The names of eminent scientists, two of these Nobel Prize winners, whose work I have paraphrased, are as follows...
Dr Michael Yeadon, Dr Pierre Cory, Dr Paul Marik, Dr Judy Mikovits, Delores Cahill, Tetyana Obukhanvch, Dr James Lyons-Weiler, Dr Peter Doshi, Dr Mark Wathelet, Dr Tom Cowan, Dr Andrew Kaufman, Dr Roger Hodkinson, Dr Vernon Coleman, Geert Vanden Bossche PhD (GAVI), Dr Doug Corrigan, Professor Thomas Borody, Dr Ken Biegeleisen PhD, and Dr Sucharit Bhakdi; and literally hundreds of others.
Australian doctors have formed a new association known as the Australian Medical professionals Society (AMPS).
Now... back to the
By Tony Ryan
This article does not seek to dissuade the reader from being vaccinated, but to provide frustrated parents and truth-seekers with information that is never permitted to appear in the public media. The author’s attitude is that if people are gullible enough to believe the propaganda of the sickness industry, they thoroughly deserve the consequences.
The author claims no qualifications or expertise other than a willingness to undertake the arduous research of those who are in fact qualified and who have also demonstrated intelligence, competence and integrity. This, in the author’s opinion, disqualifies around 95% of ‘health professionals’ and, most certainly, all politicians and medical bureaucrats.
My primary aim here is to present evidence supporting the need for a NATIONAL RESEARCH ESTABLISHMENT TO EXAMINE FOR SAFETY ALL COMMERCIAL SUBSTANCES INGESTED BY HUMANS, PARTICULARLY INFANTS AND CHILDREN. I am opposed passively by the Grocery Council, the Australian Medical Association, and the medical/pharmaceutical alliance, who want no such research conducted, whatsoever.
Significantly, not one doctor in Australia supports the establishment of such a facility or, if they do, they are too terified to say so.
History of autism
The history of Autism goes back only 84 years.
- In 1933, autism was unheard-of.
- In 1934, the first case of autism was encountered. This occurred months after major public vaccination regimes commenced.
- Fifty years ago, with vaccination regimes much-expanded, the occurrence of autism was declared one in 10,000.
- Today in Australia autism is reported as one in sixty-seven; and in the US, one in fifty-three. The exponential increase has exactly paralleled the expansion of vaccination regimes.
- Independent studies showed that unvaccinated populations* experience no autism at all and unvaccinated children are healthier than vaccinated children.
- The vast majority of children infected with mumps and purtussis are fully vacinated, demonstrating the lie about vaccine protection.
*Two independent studies into the 300,000 population of Amish in the US recorded only two cases of autism and these were in children of one family who had spent time away from the Amish community and were vaccinated by non-Amish relatives.
Autism and other vaccine injuries are clearly a serious global phenomenon, one that is injuring and even killing millions of babies and infants. One would routinely expect all governments to spare no expense or effort to urgently identify the cause or causes, and the remedy. Yet not one government is doing this, except to fund research to prove the pandemic is not caused by vaccinations.
Governments close down their communities to 'combat' corona virus, which kills less people than the flu, yet the triply-more-dangerous autism pandemic is ignored.
Something is very wrong here.
The entire point of government is to protect The People from exploitation and oppression by the powerful. Yet here we are, with governments and the media protecting the medical / pharmaceutical monopoly from public scrutiny.
Moreover, governments are punishing citizens who question the validity of medical practices which easily-available evidence demonstrates are harmful to children.
Doctors and medical scientists who support these citizens and who duly recognise that the contra-indication evidence cannot be repudiated; are vilified and ridiculed, and many have lost their licences to practice.
When governments repress evidence or wrongdoing and death, this can only be described as endemic corruption.
However, in jurisdictions where outcomes are regulated solely by evidence, and I refer here to law courts, the outcome is very different.
Court actions in UK, Italy, Sweden, India, Nepal, Hungary, France, the US and other nations have proved instances of injury caused by the following vaccines: polio, mumps, measles, MMR (combo measles, mumps, rubella), H1N1 swine flu, seasonal flu, tetanus (the tetanus/diphtheria/pertussis combo vaccine), and varicella (chicken pox), and the new HPP (Gardasil cervical cancer vaccine with 39 US deaths); while the Australian Government and Australian Medical Association posture inexplicably that such risk either does not exist or is so low as to be of negligible concern.
It is routinely claimed by authorities that the cause of autism is essentially unknown, but is probably of genetic origin. Given the exponential explosion of incidence over 84 years from an original position of no cases at all, one thing we can presume for an absolute certainty is that genetics plays no causal part in developimg autism and any claim otherwise is a gross insult to our intelligence. (Nonetheless, doctors have been routinely insulting our intelligence for decades and with remarkable success; aided by prolific film and TV public relations creations).
The doctor/pharmaceutical/government alliance (known to healthy cynics as the Sickness Industry) has also told us there is no known cure for autism. Read on and learn what consummate and unconscionable liars these people are.
UK neurologist, Dr Natasha Campbell-McBride, following through on the research of fellow-national Dr Andrew Wakefield, was one of those who made a breakthrough when she cured her own child of autism largely through reintroducing gut flora.
I have viewed a video in which a tearful mother told us that her teenage son had just looked her in the eye for the first time in his life and said “I love you Mum”. This is the impact of Campbell-McBride’s therapies and treatments, cures that desperate parents of autistic children would probably kill for, but are denied access to these by doctors who place profits above patients.
What follows in the next few paragraphs is, for the sake of brevity, my own interpretation of Campbell-McBride’s and others’ experience and research results:
A pattern appears to have emerged that vaccinations interfere with the natural development of children’s immune systems leading to new chronic infections: typically tonsil, adenoid, and ear infections; but also chronic diarrhoea (initiated by lack of protective gut flora, and then again exacerbated by repeatedly prescribed antibiotics and vaccines). These were conditions which emerged following introduction of vaccines, most especially MMR.
The complex sequence of multi-sourced attacks appears to be as follows:
1. Since the introduction of the contraceptive pill, which is now thought to compromise gut flora, thus-effected women appear to pass on this deficiency to their female babies; who grow up to pass on a more enhanced gut flora deficiency (Gut and Psychological Syndrome… GAPS) in their own children; and so on. This is believed to be intergenerationally cumulative. Such babies, especially if not breastfed are highly susceptible to infections.
Babies harvest gut and skin flora in the birth canal and, therefore, Caesarean babies do not receive this critical benefit. Breastfed babies receive their second launching of their immune system from initial breast milk, and this quality is self-modifying over the breast-feeding period. (Breastfed babies become susceptible when breastfeeding ceases, which is why breast feeding for four years is recommended; but bottle-fed babies suffer from birth).
Because they have yet to develop an immune system, GAPS babies are incapable of benefiting from vaccines (some opinion has it that no baby less than two years old can benefit from vaccines, period… a thought which makes absolute sense). Worse, many vaccines contain genetically modified viruses with unknown effects (incorporated in the vaccine purely to enable patenting by the pharmaceutical corporations).
2. Routinely, as infections or symptoms occur, doctors prescribe antibiotics and the consequential further or complete elimination of gut flora exposes the child to atypical infections while simultaneously depressing normal immune system development. One strain of atypical bacteria tends to form an exclusive and dominant colony and produces a toxin that damages parts of both the cranial and enteric nervous systems; and sometimes the extent of this damage is exacerbated by other factors (3 & 4).
3. Brain and nerve damage is also influenced by the kind of adjuvants used in vaccines, particularly, it would seem, glutamate, mercury, aluminium, polyethylene glycol (PEG), and formaldehyde; which appear to independently cause brain damage of their own, hardly surprising considering mercury is the second most toxic element after uranium; and glutamate is the substance that regulates early brain development, influenced by the overall immune system (see Dr Blaylock link…
4. Common and (in this context) highly toxic vaccine adjuvants and additives are: aluminium, monosodium glutamate, sodium phosphate, phenoxyethanol, gelatin, sulphites, yeast protein, antibiotics, RNA and DNA from animal and human tissue cultures, squalene, ethyl glycol (anti-freeze), triton disinfectant, phenol, and polysorbate 80. Additional chemicals implicated in autism are preservatives 280 and 283. Many of these are extremely toxic in minute doses and at least two of these seriously retard or stop infant brain development, so why are these substances used in medical treatments for babies and children and pregnant women?
There is one very obvious answer: because they are cheaper adjuvants than the expensive alternatives. This then is partly about profit. These multi-sourced interactive attacks on the brain and nervous system tend to explain the wide spectrum of autism manifestations; possibly exacerbated by aspartame, food MSG and, without doubt, by bottle-feeding of babies (all legal dairy milk contains rBST).
5. A fourth series of effects can be sourced in the active component of the vaccine itself. The polio vaccine administered in India has so far caused 53,000 cases of paralysis, inexplicably dubbed non-polio paralysis by typically dishonest medical scientists. (The person most responsible for this tragedy is Bill Gates).
6. A fifth cumulative or even primary concern is contaminants in vaccines. Jonas Salk himself admitted in a video interview that there were 37 contaminants in his polio vaccine, ranging from animal protein to pathogen particles. (Having explained this he cackled insanely, and then died).
Autism is not the only issue of contention.
Claimed vaccine efficacy itself has been a fraud. Objective research of two centuries of disease incidence reveals that all of the diseases claimed to be reduced or eliminated by vaccines, had declined dramatically long before vaccine programmes were established (ie small pox et al); largely due to improved public sewerage programmes, provision of clean water, better housing, nutrition, personal hygiene, antibiotics, and treatment of injuries. The claims by the pharmaceutical corporations and medical industry are bogus. Immunization-Graphs-Complete.pdf (application/pdf Object) and
The high percentage of already vaccinated disease victims demonstrates the vaccines simply do not work (ie pertussis and mumps).
Some vaccines actually cause disease. Chicken pox vaccine, for example, causes previously unknown childhood shingles, more dangerous and infinitely more painful than the original childhood disease.
Objective analysis of Sudden Infant Death Syndrome (SIDS) also reveals vaccination to be the cause. Incidence of SIDS parallels the expansion of vaccination programmes.
The most immediate logical conclusion is that all suspect vaccines should be immediately taken off the market.
To those who would accuse me of attempting to persuade Australians against vaccines, please note I do no such thing. I have merely listed worrying evidence to justify proper qualified and publicly transparent research.
The following paragraph is my only recommendation, one that government has ignored for seven years now…
The Australian Government should immediately establish an independent and transparent research facility to examine the short and long term effects of all pharmaceutical and commercial products that are ingested by humans.
Vaccines that do not work, or that cause disease, or pose high risk of autism or Guillain-Barre Syndrome (H1N1 swine flu vaccine) must be condemned and discontinued.
Currently, almost all safety checking is done by the pharmaceutical corporations themselves and all of it is very short term (ie a few weeks rather than years).
Australia and NZ’s reliance on America’s FDA is naïve in the extreme, or as many would say, cynical, considering how many FDA executives have career origins in the pharmaceutical corporations they are purported to regulate.
Antibiotics should always be followed by restoration of gut flora; which might prove vexing as 70% of all antibiotics used are for animal feed: ie factory farming, feedlot farming, and for dairy cows milked other than for raw milk.
Observations from the article source region of Arnhem Land, NT.
It might well be noted that Australia’s Aborigines in the northern states (NT and Kimberly) receive more such antibiotics and vaccinations than any comparable group in the world, and that because of deficient diet, largely reliant on processed foods and takeaways, plus vast consumption of sugars and carbohydrates, this has had undoubted implications for Aboriginal health; inviting pointed questions about the number of deaths due to cancer of the liver and other organs.
Aboriginal cultural insistence on breastfeeding for two to four years has probably blurred if not obviated much incidence of autism, but cessation upon the birth of the next sibling would go a long way to explaining later learning difficulties. There are so many factors responsible for brain damage and impaired brain development among traditional Aborigines that it is hard to differentiate between other causes and autism, or combinations of both.
Of probable validity is the observation that the two sickest populations in the western world are Americans and Australian Aborigines of the North; which also happen to be the two most vaccinated populations on this planet. Note: the author lives with his Aboriginal family in Arnhem Land and has observed the causes of NT Aboriginal health over a period of fifty years; ten of these as a Commonwealth and NT Government welfare officer. These are not casual notes. Furthermore, the author contends that the primary causes of NT Aboriginal ill-health remain unrecognised and unaddressed. Government refusal to examine these invites a conclusion of deliberate genocide. A separate paper covers this.
Potentially harmful seasonal flu vaccinations
Data collected from Canada and Hong Kong during 2009-2010 showed that people who received the seasonal flu vaccine in 2008 had twice the risk of getting the H1N1 “swine flu,” compared to those who hadn't received a flu shot.
“While these initial findings were largely disputed by the pharmaceutical industry, new research confirms the link between the flu vaccination and an increased risk of more serious bouts of pandemic illness.
Moreover, there are major differences between naturally-acquired immunity and vaccine-induced immunity. With vaccination, you are creating an antibody, but as recent research has confirmed, unvaccinated children naturally build up more antibodies against a wider variety of flu virus strains than vaccinated children. “(Quote: Dr Joseph Mercola, US).
Flu vaccines
(As above) Data collected from Canada and Hong Kong during 2009-2010 showed that people who received the seasonal flu vaccine in 2008 had twice the risk of getting the H1N1 “swine flu,” compared to those who hadn't received a flu shot – Mercola. Flu Vaccine Increases Risk of Serious Pandemic Flu Illness
Swedish children struck down by vaccine-induced narcolepsy. Narcolepsy traced to specific vaccine batches - The Local
The UN’s WHO-declared Grade 6 H1N1 pandemic turned out to be milder than most seasonal flus, and the subsequent untested vaccination carried more disadvantages than it offered protection. But this was not the only problem to emerge from this debacle: According to new research published in JAMA, the more children are exposed to per fluorinated compounds (PFCs), the less likely they are to have a good immune response to vaccinations. The finding suggests that these chemicals can affect children’s immune system enough to make them more vulnerable to infectious diseases. More Evidence That Flu Vaccines Are Worthless
Inadequate testing of flu vaccines exposes efficacy weaknesses, especially in respect of the aged. Efficacy and effectiveness of influenza vaccines: a systematic review and meta-analysis: The Lancet Infectious Diseases
The deaths of four infants in Nepal within three hours of receiving measles vaccines has drawn fresh attention to inadequate reporting systems that mask many times more deaths. As one of the first courageous doctors to blow the whistle on fraudulent medical practices, Dr Joseph Mercola, observes: A quick search of America’s Vaccine Adverse Event Reporting System (VAERS) 2 reveals nearly 5,100 vaccine-related deaths have been reported in the U.S between 1990 and August 2012, as of this writing. The vast majority of deaths – nearly 60 percent – occurred in children under the age of three. Just over 360 of the reported vaccine-associated deaths in the US have been related to any of the measles-containing vaccines.
With adverse event information on over 70 vaccines included in the VAERS database, it is a phenomenal tool that can help you easily identify which vaccines are significantly associated with specific side effects. It is important to know, though, that what is included in VAERS is only a tiny fraction of the vaccine-related serious health problems, hospitalizations, injuries and deaths that have actually occurred in the U.S.
Note: Reporting vaccine injury is not mandatory.
Studies have estimated that less than 10 percent, to as little as ONE percent, of vaccine side effects are ever reported, so the true side effects and deaths are easily FAR higher than the reported statistics represent. This means there may have been anywhere from 3600 to 36,000 deaths that have occurred in the US alone after children or adults received measles containing vaccines. The Dangers of the Measles Vaccine to Infants
The Sydney Morning Herald parrots pharmaceutical industry claims that vaccines are safe, ignoring the evidence. Institute of Medicine adverse reactions report admits MMR vaccines cause measles, seizures, anaphylaxis and other health problems
Virologists give evidence of falsification of data and inadequate testing by Merk. Merck Accused of Lying About Mumps Vaccine
MMR (measles, mumps & rubella)
Italian Health Ministry admits MMR vaccine caused autism. Dr Andrew Wakefield’s 1998 study that suggested links between MMR, chronic bowel inflammation and lost gut flora has been confirmed in dozens of studies worldwide; but the pharmaceutical industry’s rebuttal and vicious attacks against Andrew Wakefield have been widely reported in the Murdoch media, as justified (see links on Wakefield). httItalian Court Reignites MMR Vaccine Debate
Italian court rules MMR vaccine did trigger autism
New Evidence Supports Dr. Wakefield's MMR Vaccine Study
Dr. Andrew Wakefield’s Interview on His MMR Study
CDC Autism Researcher Indicted for Fraud
MMR causes autism in test monkeys. Monkeys Get Autism-like Reactions to MMR & Other Vaccines In University of Pittsburgh Vaccine Study |
PERTUSSIS (whooping cough)
83% of children with whooping cough were already vaccinated. One doctor says he still recommends the vaccine because it marginally reduces the distressing symptoms. Vaccine failure admitted: Whooping cough outbreaks higher among children already vaccinated
SIDS is linked to vaccines. Hepatitis B Vaccine Highly Linked to Sudden Infant Death
How Technology Has Made Global Polio Eradication Impossible | Pakalert Press
With outrageous dishonesty, doctors invariably present the defeat of polio as generated by the polio vaccine. The 1950s outbreak of polio was due to post-war malnutrition, shortage of housing, and the war-time breakdown of personal hygiene. Because the bacterium responsible is found in human excrement, a massive campaign in hand-washing after going to the toilet was highly successful, facilitated by the manufacture of tissue-type toilet paper and the expedited installation of in-house flush toilets.
Prior to this, most homes had outhouses, with toilet paper typically being that week’s newspaper, which was less than pliant or safe.
These innovations removed the cause of transmission and the polio epidemic ceased.
Having said this, there is mounting evidence that polio was caused by massive DDT spraying. Deaths were centred on communities heavily sprayed. Polio as a pathogen-derived disease was a coverup to prevent litigation on a gargantuan scale... or so it is speculated. But having witnessed the vast range of complicity in the covid scamdemic, this hypothesis is looking increasingly plausible.
Ironically, in the face of vaccine sceptics, doctors love to conjure up the1950s horrors of children deformed by wasted limbs, cheerfully oblivious to the true cause. Registered nurse, Queenslander Sister Elizabeth Kenny, discovered that by applying massage therapy to the affected limbs, the children under her care recovered full use of their limbs. Meanwhile, all doctors immobilised paralysed limbs with plaster of paris and these were the children who permanently lost use of those limbs, which remained shrivelled for life.
When confronted by this horrific outcome comparison, would we not expect the good doctors to hug Sister Kenny and to joyfully embrace her methodology?
Hell no.
The elitist doctors, quite apart from their natural misogyny and resentment of medical women who did not know their place, realised that if the truth got out they would face horrific litigation and possible criminal prosecution for negligence and malpractice.
They did the only thing they could and put Kenny in prison for five years… for practicing medicine without a licence. Clearly, Queensland judiciary have less respect for truth and justice than in other national jurisdictions.
It is not known how many kids lost the use of their limbs after that. But as with all other diseases, later vaccinations had nothing to do with the demise of the polio epidemic. And relieved doctors retained their mafia-like monopoly over disease mitigation, more recently realising that the sicker people are the more money doctors make. To this end, many have abandoned clinic and surgery hand hygiene (estimated by one doctor to be one third of all Australian doctors, a position which he told the ABC has put Australian medicine back to the standards of the 19th century).
Journalists discovered that secret CCTV monitoring of doctors in surgery, clinics, and practices, showed that up to 75% of doctors and nurses ignored hand washing recommendations.
My personal conclusion is that this is not laziness but a calculated decision to enhance opportunities for infection as these also enhance profits. This was almost admitted to me by a Queensland healh clinic doctor who later infected lacerations on my legs, that he was dressing.
Crushing people who are genuine healers and medical saviours is a long-established medical tradition in Australia. The doctor who first blew the whistle on Thalidomide, Dr William McBride, was banned from practicing medicine until 1998… almost half a century. He was not recognised for his courageous role until 2018, when an ABC TV journalist unwittingly released the truth.
A West Australian doctor who successfully treated cancer victims with Black Salve (aka Cansema), a 2000 year old remedy now enhanced with DMSO, was also deregistered. Although veterinarians have also used this since forever, it is now illegal for them to buy or sell this product. Yet, as this author can attest, Cansema dissolves skin cancers (including clinically-diagnosed advanced squamous cell carcinomas) in just twelve days, at a cost of a few dollars.
Australian doctors, like doctors elsewhere, can best be described as members of a ruthless professional mafia, who imprison competition and whistle-blowers, and routinely kill their victims. To those who might regard such a view as extreme, I challenge them to put the evidence included in this article before any medical doctor and observe the anger, repudiation, aggression, and flat refusal to test the evidence for validity. Their guilt is ipso facto.
Processing the evidence
If you did not read this article, the following graphs alone are an indictment of the vaccination industry. The curves parallel the history of disease mitigation as presented by Public Health courses throughout most of the 20th century. There has never been any attempt to deny the accuracy of the graphs. Doctors merely pretend they do not exist.
A series of graphs showing impacts of vaccines are in stark conflict with official claims: Immunization-Graphs-Complete.pdf (application/pdf Object)
Doctors are regularly paid off by pharmaceutical corporations… the correct word is bribed. Eli Lilly admits to more than $200 million dollars worth of doctor payoffs
Dr Blaylock Vaccines and Autism Part 1 of 14 - YouTube
Concluding comments: Vaccines are never 100 percent protective because they provide only temporary, typically inferior immunity compared to that your body would receive from naturally contracting and recovering from a disease. This becomes a question of balance: advantages of the vaccine as opposed to negative effects. Although tetanus vaccinations were initially presumed by me to be efficacious, it was nevertheless difficult to obtain a tetanus shot not contaminated by diphtheria and pertussis. Check diphtheria on the graphs; it caused an increase in incidence.
One might well ask, why? While researching for an uncontaminated tetanus shot we were provided with evidence that makes even tetanus vaccines unsupportable. Tetanus will be covered later in the article.
Your Gut Flora Affects Your Physical and Mental Health
Dr. Natasha Campbell-McBride on GAPS Nutritional Program
In Memoriam: Infant Deaths and Vaccination
Vaccine Study |
Not only does Campbell-McBride’s prevention recommendations and treatment work, there are also successful treatments for advanced cases…
Pharmaceutical industry crimes
GlaxoSmithKline pleads guilty to criminal fraud charges, pays massive $3 billion in fines
Harvard Study Shows the Effects of Fluoride on Children's IQ
Obamacare Mandate: 15-Year-Old Girls Receive Free Sterilizations Without Parental Consent | Pakalert Press
Immunization-Graphs-Complete.pdf (application/pdf Object)
seizures, anaphylaxis and other health problems
In Memoriam: Infant Deaths and Vaccination
Understanding gut flora
Ninety percent of the genetic material in our body is not ours, but from the nearly 100 trillion bacteria, fungi, viruses and other microorganisms that compose our microflora.
Our microflora influences our genetic expression, our immune system, weight, mental health, memory (PLEASE NOTE, THOSE WHO FEAR DEMENTIA), and our risk of numerous chronic and acute diseases, from diabetes to cancer.
It is becoming increasingly clear that destroying our gut flora with antibiotics, vaccine adjuvents, and poor diet, are primary factors in rising disease rates. Recent research suggests intestinal inflammation may play a crucial role in the development of certain cancers; accelerated by sugars.
Avoiding antibiotics and beef derived from feedlot cattle dosed with hormones: rBGH in meat and rBST- poisoned milk cows (Posilac); and avoiding sugar by adhering to a low-sugar diet, along with plenty of unpasteurised fermented foods and/or a high-quality probiotic supplement, are crucial elements for restoring and maintaining both our gut’s inner ecosystem and our overall health.
Growing our own vegetables or buying organic, are other essential measures. We make these recommendations because these echo the advice offered by organisations and individuals who have impressed us with their competence and integrity.
The question on the lips of citizens who view the evidence...
Why are the medical profession, government, and the pharmaceutical industry so adamantly opposed to independent and transparent national research into these issues?
Conversely, why are doctors and scientists of integrity; who point to independent research results implicating medical products in human injury and death, always subjected to character assassination, vilification, and occupational blacklisting; along with ‘medical science’s’ refusal to address the evidence they produce (see links on Dr Andrew Wakefield)?
This is especially the case with vaccine problems, GM food effects on health, contraindicated drugs and other pharmaceuticals, and even routine medical procedures that, alarmingly, have never been supported by evidence or testing (60% of).
It is in the public interest, therefore, to present this compilation of evidence to all Australians.
As an Australian citizen I declare the right to draw my own conclusions, while you, the reader, can equally judge for yourself. Such self-protection assessments do not require medical training; merely average intelligence and the capacity to read and to think analytically; avenues which are the inalienable right of every citizen.
As has been pointed out by expert immunologists, vaccinations do not provide the same protection as natural resistance gained from the disease itself. In spite of expert assurances over several decades, that vaccinations will one day rid humanity of disease, increasingly it has been found that regular boosters are required; that some vaccinations do not work at all (ie flu, pertussis); and that others (Chicken pox) produce effects worse than the original disease (ie childhood shingles, which can destroy eyesight). Ingri Cassel of the VLF in Idaho provided information on tetanus history and vaccines Tetanus – The Disease and the Vaccine, which means the tetanus vaccination too is now rejected.
The AMA has always adopted the self-serving attitude that only qualified medicos have the right to decide whether or not remedies, treatments and procedures are good for us; which is plainly an elitist, corrupt and anti-democratic stance. I am not proselytising my own opinion but I do insist that it is my right to make my own decisions, in the interests of protecting my health and my life; and that of my children and grandchildren.
Moreover, the doctors who lobby government for mandatory vaccinations, a practice (ie mandatory medical intervention) universally condemned following its use by the Nazi’s Dr Joseph Mengele’s during WWII, will undoubtedly one day challenge their stance.
Post Script: in point of fact, at this time of early 2022, the globally renowned lawyer Reiner Fuellmich has published a list of what he regards as war criminals, who he is prosecutingthrough the International Criminal Court (ICC) in echo of the Nuremberg Trials, as these people have violated the Nuremberg Code, and also their own country's Constitutions and Privacy Laws. The list includes Bill Gates, Peter Daszak, Anthony Faucci, and severaal medical bureaucrats and politicians.
Globally there have been calls for their execution following conviction.
My own belief is that Fuellmich is an agent of the Globalists, installed to divert our time and energy into pointless prosecutions that go nowhere because the US does not recognise the ICC. Likewise, in Australia, I am skeptical about the posturing of Australia One Party convenor Riccardo Bosi, who has threatened execution for all complicit politicians and bureaucrats. I do not believe him. I think he is a covid industry stooge. I believe his advice to jab mandate protestors is a betrayal of commonsense and not advice that a competent former SS soldier would offer in his wildest dreams.
It is difficult to identify whether doctor’s lack integrity, are simply deficient in intelligence, or are willingly ignorant of any research that opposes their self-serving mercenary views. As the internet enables a wider cross-section of the nation to comprehend autism and its relationship with vaccine damage and mismanagement of antibiotics, it will be for the courts and the electorate to judge culpability. Like many Australians, I look forward to protection of children from such injury, and proper care for those already afflicted.
To offer some encouragement as to how easy it is to apply the science of tipping point to the vaccine controversy, for seven years I peppered the Sunshine Coast media (Australia's most churned population) with rebuttals to the oft-appearing promotion of vaccines by local doctors. Initially, I was reviled and ridiculed by fellow readers, but by year seven it was the doctors (invariably in troll form) who were being ridiculed. The Sunshine Coast now boasts 30% of the population who refuse to be vaccinated.
The provided links have stirred governments to act in Europe and in the Russian-influenced states; but not in the US or Australia. No doubt, this failure will eventually provoke legal challenges directed at the AMA and Federal and State portfolio holders.
We look forward to their prosecution and imprisonment.
Tony Ryan
© Copyright Tony Ryan 2007; 2018; regularly upgraded up to 19/03/2022.
Tony Ryan is a social and geopolitical researcher and cross-cultural analyst, specialising in Aboriginal development issues in Arnhem Land.
Believing firmly that one must live one’s subject matter to deserve credibility, he has had previous careers in cattle, education, journalism, crane operation, trade unions, welfare, community development, landscaping, safari operation, real estate, and publishing.
Personal disclaimer: I am merely a health product consumer and I make no claim to be an expert in anything whatsoever and cannot, therefore, be judged as expert or professional. Thus, the Australian Medical Association's usual method of silencing critics... prosecution for practicing medicine without a licence... cannot be applied to me.
Secondly, from the early 1960s, as a component of various university courses (education, social welfare, etc) I was required to study Public Health, which memorably held that historical disease incidence reduction occurred following a series of public health initiatives: 1880s introduction of sewerage systems; establishment of clean drinking water reservoirs; garbage collection; improved housing; enhanced nutrition; public education, facilitating health education; the discovery of antibiotics; and a succession of preventive environmental health programmes.
With this dichotomy of public health successes were accompanying graphs which time-sequenced these events and their impact on disease incidence.
Time-honoured public health knowledge suddenly evaporated and we were told that vaccinations were responsible. Like any other thinking person aged 79 and over, this provoked scepticism; but worse was to come.
As a consumer, parent and grandparent, addressing a vast plethora of very salient health concerns, I now see evidence that doctors and the pharmaceutical industry are injuring not only adults, but babies and children. So I speak out. Who would not?
Note regarding the covid-19 pandemic: I have read convinving arguments that the virus was created in Fort Detrick, USA, and transported to Wuhan by Anthony Faucci using Congressional funds, illegally. The international ownership of the Wuhan facility makes for fascinating reading. Be that as it may, I am more concerned that Thomas Borody's Ivermectin Triple Therapy, with 100% efficacy both as a preventive and 83% as a cure, is entirely ignored by most governments. This is par for course, because whan Borody discovered the bacteria that causes peptic ulcers, it took doctors ten years to accept this.
Here is the cruncher...
In Arnhem Land, Ivermectin could be provided to every Aboriginal person as a prophylactic, and at a cost of $1.30 per person per year. This would not only prevent covid transmission and infection, it would eliminate scabies, a consequence of which would be an end to the related Rheumatic Heart Disease which kills hundreds of young people.
Actively preventing this are: the Menzies School of Health Research; the NT Department of Health, and the executives of the Northen Land Council, especially Aborigines Joe Martin-Jard and Sam Bush-Blanasi; both of whom are fully aware of this.
This sure sounds like a crime against humanity to me. More specifically, genocide of NT Aborigines.
Tony Ryan